How to Make All Natural Bison Fat Tallow Candles

Reader Contribution by Derek Sherwood
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When I am not working on lawnmowers and other small engines in the winter, I like to make and sell natural container candles from my home. One of the most interesting experiences I have had lately is the one I had at Twin Springs Bison Farm in Lineboro, Md. I offered them some soy candles for consignment, and they asked if I could make tallow candles out of bison suet — the thick, almost soaplike fat that they harvest from the kidney area of the bison that they raise naturally on their farm.

I decided to give it a try. What I found out was that tallow container candlemaking is much easier than dipping or molding tallow candles. Using the bison fat was easy enough.  The process is as follows:

  1. Obtain wicks and mason jars or other decorative jars. Use cotton wicks in order to avoid any heavy metals such as zinc that may be in cheaper wicks.
  2. Obtain some bison suet, and cut it into pieces about the size and thickness of a deck of cards.
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