Catch The Wind: Make a Homemade Kite

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TOP: Diagram shows how to make octopus tail. CENTER: Diagram shows how to make cobra tail. BOTTOM: Adjust the towing point depending on wind conditions.
TOP: Diagram shows how to make octopus tail. CENTER: Diagram shows how to make cobra tail. BOTTOM: Adjust the towing point depending on wind conditions.
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FIG 1 through FIG 5 are steps for cutting out and assembling a kite. FIG 6 shows how to obtain material for the kite tail.
FIG 1 through FIG 5 are steps for cutting out and assembling a kite. FIG 6 shows how to obtain material for the kite tail.

In 1979 Margaret Greger presented her
plans for “MOTHER EARTH NEWS’ Recycled Kite.” Well, those ol’ March winds
are blowin’ again, and Meg has provided us with another
sure-to-fly designs for a homemade kite . . . which were suggested to her by Gary
Hinze of San Jose, California. The cobra kite and Its variant,

  • Published on Mar 1, 1980
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