I have a farm with lots of woods, and I would like to use my own trees for my timber frame. Is this possible?
Possible? Absolutely. If you have enough trees of the right size, species and quality (they have to be tall and straight), they can be harvested, milled and used for your timber frame. This is a wonderful story that will be part of your home for all of its existence. We would be sure to carve the details (date harvested, and date raised) into the frame somewhere as a permanent record and point of interest.
Now, I answered your “possible” question, but here are other questions to be answered before you make this decision. Is this practical, is this cost effective, and are you prepared for the 10 to 20 year scar left in your woods as a result of the harvest? We often find that your own trees are most valuable left right where they are, enhancing your property and making for nature trails and such. Be very careful before bringing in the loggers, and know all the consequences of this choice.
— Dan Trimble and Dan Griffin, Timber Frame Services