Hand Washing Clothes With a ‘Posser’

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Photo by Frances Sweeney
Drill holes in a sanitized toilet-bowl plunger to create a tool that makes hand-washing clothes easier.

A great way to protect your hands and still hand-wash fragile clothes in a tub or sink is to drill quarter-inch holes in the rubber of a sterilized toilet-bowl plunger. As you plunge down, the soapy water will come through the holes and create a great washing action. You’ll be amazed at how quick and easy this makes hand-washing clothes, and also at how clean your garments will come out. My “washers” have already lasted many years and they show no signs of giving out anytime soon. These washers are traditionally called “possers,” and I keep one in my laundry room and one in my bathroom.

Frances Sweeney
Greenbank, Washington

  • Published on Sep 12, 2014
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