Elevated Planting Boxes from Free Wood Pallets

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Photo by Eric Hansen
Transform wooden flats into platforms for raised, container gardening.

As I grow older, I try to stay fit and prevent injuries by altering how I approach garden chores. One frugal adjustment I’ve discovered is that I can use free wood pallets to elevate my planting boxes. This prevents me from bending over and gives my back a break. I’ve also used the pallets to build a potting bench and a compost bin.

I try to use worn-out items around the house to make additional tweaks. For example, I recently employed a few retired patio chairs to elevate some planters. In addition to the extra height, the chairs are movable, enabling me to place the plants to catch the sun as needed.

Eric Hansen
Carson City, Nevada

  • Published on Jan 7, 2016
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