DIY Grapevine Wreaths

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Grapevines are easier to shape if used immediately after they are collected. Start your wreath by looping the vines in a circle.
Grapevines are easier to shape if used immediately after they are collected. Start your wreath by looping the vines in a circle.
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The finished garland can be sold, given as a special remembrance, or kept for your own home.
The finished garland can be sold, given as a special remembrance, or kept for your own home.
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The more wreaths you makes, the easier you'll find them to create.
The more wreaths you makes, the easier you'll find them to create.
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You can adorn your vines with colorful ribbons and bows (or anything else that strikes your fancy).
You can adorn your vines with colorful ribbons and bows (or anything else that strikes your fancy).

Add rustic splendor to your home year round!

Every year, my husband and I enjoy making wreaths of grapevines gathered from our own backyard arbor . . . to give as gifts, to sell, or just to keep for ourselves. These unique hang anywhere garlands are a cinch to create and can be either left in their natural state or spruced up with ribbon and dried flowers to suit almost any occasion. (I recently finished a small one, garnished with an ivory tinted bow and baby’s breath, to give to a friend in celebration of the birth of her first child.) Furthermore, the woven rings are always a big hit at our church’s annual Thanksgiving craft fair. In fact, we usually can make enough money from marketing them to cover most of our own holiday expenses. And the ones we don’t sell make wonderful unique Christmas gifts!

Since grapes grow tame or wild backyards and thickets all across the U.S., there’s probably a hefty supply of the raw materials practically at your doorstep, or at least within driving distance. So if you’d like to try your hand at twisting profits and presents out of those spindly cords, here are a few pointers to get you started.

Gathering Goods for Garlands

The main ingredient of a wreath is, of course, the vine itself, and the best time to forage for grapevines is during their dormant season . . . which in most places falls between September and April. And, if you don’t have an arbor or access to a vine-draped woods, a friend or neighbor who grows grapes would doubtless be glad to exchange some vines for a little pruning assistance.

  • Published on Nov 1, 1983
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