3D-Printed Charkha Spinning Wheel

One spinning enthusiast is using modern methods to carry on timeless techniques, and building a home-based business in the process.

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by Joseph Bjork

Build your own collapsible spinning wheel for spinning your own cotton thread. Print your own parts with the Thingverse plans below and learn how to make a charkha spinning wheel.

After buying my first 3D printer in 2018 and printing the usual assortment of desk toys, I decided to print my own folding-book charkha, a collapsible version of an Indian spinning wheel. I’d dabbled in spinning before, once making a drop spindle from a judge’s gavel, but the uniquely rich history of the charkha spinning wheel and its delightful ability to fold up and hide on a bookshelf piqued my interest anew.

History of the Portable Charkha Spinning Wheel

It’s no exaggeration that Gandhi was a big supporter of the charkha, even going so far as to bring his own spinning wheel to public meetings, spin while giving speeches, and even spin while jailed for civil disobedience.

For Gandhi, the charkha was the center of a web of cottage industries that radiated from this humble craft, and he believed a revival of hand-spinning would turn the tide of empires by reinvigorating local cottage industry and severing economic incentives that tied India to Great Britain. As he said, “The spinning wheel represents to me the hope of the masses. The masses lost their freedom, such as it was, with the loss of the charkha. … It was the friend and solace of the widow. It kept the villagers from idleness. For the charkha included all the anterior and posterior industries – ginning, carding, warping, sizing, dyeing, and weaving. These, in their turn, kept the village carpenter and the blacksmith busy.”

  • Updated on Jan 23, 2023
  • Originally Published on Jan 6, 2023
Tagged with: charkha, fiber, fiber arts, fiber crafts, hand spinning, Joseph Bjork, spinning, weaving, wool
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