DIY Coonskin Cap

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The coonskin cap has been an American favorite from pioneer days to the age of television. Its origins predate the arrival of the white man — the oldest painting of an American Indian shows an individual wearing a round hat with a raccoon tail attached to the crown. By the time pioneers were beginning to settle Kentucky and Tennessee, the coonskin hat had evolved into the hunting cap that we associate with Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett.

When making a coonskin cap, use a large skin, free of blemishes and bald spots, with a tail that is full and well marked. Cut the pattern out of a heavy grocery bag, baste it together, and check to make sure you have the fit you want. The crown should be somewhat elongated — about an inch longer than it is wide. When cutting the leather, use a razor-sharp knife and cut on the skin side.

Tanning and Leatherwork

Finished cap should look like a single piece of fur without any seams showing.

  • Published on Sep 16, 2013
Tagged with: fur, fur-on, hide, tanning a hide
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