Build a Log-Lifting Tool

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It's more, you see, than a simple hand truck for hauling the heavy ones. It's also able to serve as a sawbuck . . . to hold a hunk of timber while you cut the log to stove-size lengths.
It's more, you see, than a simple hand truck for hauling the heavy ones. It's also able to serve as a sawbuck . . . to hold a hunk of timber while you cut the log to stove-size lengths.
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MOM's low-buck sawbuck clamps down on a big one.
MOM's low-buck sawbuck clamps down on a big one.
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The log lifter secures the log for slick slicing.
The log lifter secures the log for slick slicing.
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The log lifter lifts it — with the wheels in the forward position.
The log lifter lifts it — with the wheels in the forward position.

Build a log-lifting tool to help you cut lumber and move heavy logs around the homestead. (See the log lifter photos in the image gallery.)

Build a Log-Lifting Tool

Folks who make the switch to wood heat often find that their saving in fuel cost is tempered by the extra effort involved in cutting, splitting, hauling, and stacking the cumbersome combustible. Still, the pleasure of tending a crackling fire — and the sense of independence that burning a renewable fuel can offer — generally makes it pretty easy to overlook the inconveniences.

There’s no reason, though, why you can’t make your wood harvesting chores a little less bothersome . . . and the log-lifting tool featured will help you do just that! It’s more, you see, than a simple hand truck for hauling the heavy ones. It’s also able to serve as a sawbuck. . . to hold a hunk of timber while you cut the log to stove-size lengths.

We made our lifter from 1-1/4 inch square tubular steel, assorted pieces of flat stock, and some garden tractor wheels. It would be a simple matter, though — if you didn’t have these components on hand — to build your own version of the worksaver by simply using the dimensions given as a guide and substituting more common round tubing for the square steel . . . and replacing the tractor wheels with rollers of your choice.

  • Published on Sep 1, 1982
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