
Raising Poultry 101 Course
1. Dust Bathing
Learn more about why chickens dust bathe and the benefits. At what age do chickens begin dust bathing? What is phantom dust bathing? Free range and in-coop dust baths? Where should a dust bath be located? What are the container and filling options? Learn how to create the ultimate daily spa experience for your flock!Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: Three videos by Lisa Sweet. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started.  
Lisa Sweet
Lisa Sweet Absorbent Products
Raising Poultry 101 Course
2. Meat Bird Tips for Success
Twain Lockhart gives husbandry advice to people on raising their own meat birds to avoid making the same mistakes he has made over the last 45 years. Twain also shows how easy and rewarding keep these flocks can be.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 12-minute video by Twain Lockhart. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started.
Twain Lockhart
Twain Lockhart Nutrena, Cargill
Raising Poultry 101 Course
3. Determining Flock Size and Selecting Breeds for Your Flock
Getting started with chickens is exciting, but how do you determine how many chickens you’ll need? Do you want enough eggs to feed your family, or do you want enough to sell eggs locally? In part one of this workshop, McMurray Hatchery’s Tom Watkins talks about how to determine how many chickens you need to fit your needs, and how the breeds you select weigh into it.So you’ve decided to get chickens, but with hundreds of chicken breeds, deciding which breeds to get can be overwhelming. In part two of this workshop, McMurray Hatchery’s Tom Watkins and Ginger Stevenson talk about selecting breeds for different needs, climate, use, egg color or quantity, and more.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A two-part video series by Tom Watkins of McMurray Hatchery. A PDF "handout" of the McMurray Hatchery catalog.  
Tom Watkins
Tom Watkins Murray McMurray Hatchery
Raising Poultry 101 Course
4. How to Raise Baby Chicks
From the time you have chicks to when they're transferred to the coop, there's a lot to consider. In this workshop Queren King-Orozco shows you the essentials of setting up your chick feeders and brooder and basic care tips. Get the confidence to raise healthy poultry you've been looking for!Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: An 18-minute video by Queren King-Orozco. A PDF "handout" to get you started. 
Queren King Orozco
Queren King Orozco Senior Producer of Video & Events • Mother Earth News, Queren King
Raising Poultry 101 Course
5. Common Health and Behavioral Issues
Take care of your birds and learn what to do when they stop laying, begin moulting, pecking, or get injuries. Also, Queren describes what space is optimal and the considerations for cold seasons that are important to be aware of.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: An 18-minute video by Queren King-Orozco. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started. 
Queren King Orozco
Queren King Orozco Senior Producer of Video & Events • Mother Earth News, Queren King
Raising Poultry 101 Course
6. Chicken Enclosure and Fencing Choices
Join Queren as she discusses the advantages of building a coop and a run versus turning a shed into a coop or using a tractor. She also explores coop sizing, fence types, and maintenance.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: An 11-minute video by Queren King-Orozco. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started. 
Queren King Orozco
Queren King Orozco Senior Producer of Video & Events • Mother Earth News, Queren King
Raising Poultry 101 Course
7. Chicken Coop Basics
Learn how to use what you have to DIY a chicken coop. Watch an overview of all the parts you need from food to nesting boxes, how to prepare your coop for seasonal changes, and basic tips you can use to keep your hens healthy.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 22-minute video by Tracy Lynn. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started.
Tracy Lynn
Tracy Lynn Simple Living Country Gal
Raising Poultry 101 Course
8. High Quality Chicken Egg Production
If your reason for getting chickens is the supply of delicious, fresh eggs, learn here what nutrition is necessary for egg quality. Also, Queren informs you what laws to consider for cleaning, storing, and more if you're interested in selling your flock's bounty.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 13-minute video by Queren King-Orozco. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started. 
Queren King Orozco
Queren King Orozco Senior Producer of Video & Events • Mother Earth News, Queren King
Raising Poultry 101 Course
9. Backyard Chicken Processing
Learn how to turn your dreams of chicken farming in your own backyard and processing your own food into a reality that anyone can do. Know where your food comes from, and avoid food that’s been pumped with chemicals or other unnatural items. With just a handful of equipment needs and the willingness to take food consumption to a higher and more rewarding level, poultry processing is a gateway to food independence. Discover the humane and efficient way to process your poultry, a solution perfect for those who choose to do it themselves – from live bird to oven-ready!Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 20-minute video by Matt Wilkinson. 
Matt Wilkinson
Matt Wilkinson Hard Cider Homestead