
Fermented Beverages Course
1. Homemade Fermented Sodas
Did you think the only way to drink your probiotics was by consuming kombucha or kefir? Those are great options, but your probiotic world is about to get even more diverse. In this lesson, Dawn Combs, author of Sweet Remedies, will teach you how to ferment a delicious probiotic soda using your choice of herbs or fruit juices and raw honey.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 17-minute video by Dawn Combs. A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started. 
Dawn Combs
Dawn Combs Soda Pharm
Fermented Beverages Course
2. Fruit Juice: From Sugar to Hard Cider
If you are new to brewing or fermenting beverages this class will teach you everything you need to know about understanding sugar in juice and how that relates to the alcohol content. We will focus on apple juice for cider making but the information is important to any brewer.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 16-minute video by Kirsten Shockey A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started 
Kirsten Shockey
Kirsten Shockey Ferment Works
Fermented Beverages Course
3. Simple Beer Brewing
Learn how to brew your own beer in simple, quick 1-gallon batches. Beer, like other alcoholic beverages, is produced by fermenting a sugary liquid with yeast. Using extracted malted grain sugars obtained from a homebrew store, or cane sugar, brown sugar or molasses from a grocery store, you can make beer in your kitchen quickly and easily.In this video, you’ll learn: How to procure and properly utilize ingredients for brewing beer. How to brew with hops, herbs and/or other ingredients that can be sourced locally. How to gather and use basic beer-brewing equipment. Tips for using different types of yeast to ferment your beer. The basic process for starting your first batch of beer. How to store, age, bottle, and drink your homebrewed beer.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 30-minute video by Jereme Zimmerman A downloadable PDF handout
Jereme Zimmerman
Jereme Zimmerman
Fermented Beverages Course
4. Learn to Make Natural Wine at Home with Tonii Turner
Welcome! Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below:A 27-minute video by Tonii TurnerA PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get startedCheck out Wild Wine Making and other titles to help you make your own wine from the Mother Earth News Bookstore! In the workshop, viewers will learn the benefits of making natural, vegan-friendly wine at home while using fruit and herbs that are easily accessible to them. Hear a discussion on essential equipment and supplies necessary to make a batch of wine as well as unnecessary additives/chemicals used in commercial wine and legalities. About Tonii:
Tonii Turner
Tonii Turner Vino's Chick Co.
Fermented Beverages Course
5. How to Make, Use, and Love Milk Kefir
It's easy to make this amazingly healthy, probiotic-packed dairy ferment using traditional kefir grains. Learn how to incorporate low-sugar, delicious flavors, and even how to use fresh kefir to make probiotic cheese!Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 25-minute video by Gianaclis Caldwell. A downloadable PDF handout. 
Gianaclis Caldwell
Gianaclis Caldwell Pholia Farm Creamery
Fermented Beverages Course
6. How to Brew Kombucha
If you can brew a cup of tea, you can brew kombucha! As bacteriosapiens, we are bacteria-powered. That means the more bacteria-rich fermented foods that we incorporate into our diet, the better we feel. Learn how easy it is to enjoy the benefits of brewing kombucha at home for a fraction of the cost while nourishing your human microbiome.Disclaimer: Kombucha products are to be used at your own discretion. While beliefs are stated in this workshop video of what the products can do, they are not claims. Nothing in this workshop video should be construed to mean any claim to treatment, diagnosis or curing of disease. Your results can and will vary.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 31-minute video by Hannah Crum A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started
Hannah Crum
Hannah Crum Kombucha Kamp
Fermented Beverages Course
7. Metheglin: Making Herbal Mead Like a Viking
Learn to make herbal mead, AKA metheglin, using simple processes and ingredients from your garden or farmer's market. Mead is a simple fermented honey alcoholic beverage. Adding herbs and spices for their flavoring and medicinal qualities makes your mead a metheglin (or metheglyn) from the Welsh meddyglyn (“healing drink”). In this video, we’ll be making a refreshing, invigorating lemon balm and pineapple mint metheglin.In this video, you’ll learn: How to procure and properly utilize ingredients for mead-making. How to gather and use basic equipment for mead-making. Tips for using different types of yeast to ferment your mead. The basic process for starting your first batch of mead. How to store, age, bottle and drink your mead creation.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 45-minute video by Jereme Zimmerman A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started
Jereme Zimmerman
Jereme Zimmerman
Fermented Beverages Course
8. Making Hard Seltzers at Home
Follow along as Colby describes how to brew hard seltzers — the way commercial producers do — at home. Get recipes and step by step instructions to guide you through the process.Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 25-minute video by Chris Colby PDF "handouts" of the materials you will need to get started 
Chris Colby
Chris Colby
Fermented Beverages Course
9. DIY Medieval Bochet, or Burnt Honey Mead
Learn how to caramelize honey to make your own bochet, as inspired by the recipe from the 1393 household manual Le Ménagier de Paris!Here is a list of what you will find in the workshop below: A 19-minute video by Susan Verberg A PDF "handout" of the materials you will need to get started 
Susan Verberg
Susan Verberg Medieval Mead and Beer