Warren Weisman, Hestia Home Biogas CEO
Name: Warren Weisman
Occupation: CEO, Hestia Home Biogas
Place of Residence: Eugene, Oregon
Background and Personal History: Warren Weisman is founder and CEO of Hestia Home Biogas, an American manufacturer of small-scale anaerobic digesters for onsite waste management, high quality biofertilizer and clean-burning renewable energy. Warren was a carpenter for 25 years and has worked as a heavy equipment mechanic and power plant operator. He spent two years far off the grid in Alaska’s Talkeetna River Valley in a cabin he built himself, recreating Thoreau’s Walden experiment. He has written articles for Renewable Energy World, Post Carbon Institute, Permaculture Magazine and Hestia has been featured in Home Power Magazine.
Current Projects: Hestia released the world’s first commercially viable home biogas units for cold climates in September 2014. The company is working with the University of Washington to install a 1-ton-per-day food waste biodigester at the UW campus in Seattle, Wash. Warren is a biogas education team member of Solar CITIES Solutions, an international nonprofit organization teaching biogas use and digester construction in the world’s slums. Warren has utilized Hestia’s manufacturing capabilities to mass produce simple, low-cost home biogas units to be deployed in Haiti in January, 2015.
Other Fun Facts: Warren discovered biogas by accident in 2006 while researching a science fiction novel.
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