Ron Ferrell, ‘Ecohut’-Building Organic Gardener
Name: Ron Ferrell
Occupation: Ron is a self-employed welder and artist, with ongoing projects involving sustainability, owner-built housing, gardening and general free thinking.
Place of Residence: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Background and Personal History: Ron has Bachelor of Arts degrees Speech and English and a masters degree in vocational education. He is a formally trained welder, self-taught artist and has been pursuing alternative, owner-built housing and sustainability since 1980.
Current Projects: Drought pods for vegetable production in drought conditions, along with ongoing project stemming from his Ecohut.
Other Fun Facts: Fun and facts are mutually exclusive, so Ron approaches life from the fun side.
More Places to Find Ron on the Web:
Ron Ferrell Eco-House in Oklahoma City [Video]
A Message From Ron Ferrell [Video]