Michael Kelberer
Name: Michael Kelberer
Occupation: Independent Business Writer and Consultant
Place of residence: Roseville, Minn.
Background: I learned to love Mother Nature at an early age during family vacations on Rainy Lake in northern Minnesota, but the idea of making it a central focus in my life really hit home when I discovered Geology just before my 50th birthday. It was love at first sight. As a PhD candidate I studied river system behaviors. It was love at second sight. During that period I became aware of the issue of global warming, and I can’t say it was love, but it was definitely serious.
Personal History: I was born in Minneapolis, Minn. but moved to Beirut, Lebanon when I was six weeks old. Beirut was my home, aside from a couple of stints in Saudi Arabia, through high school. I have a degree in Economics from Haverford College and an MBA from the University of Minnesota, where I also spent more than a year as a PhD candidate in geology. I’m married to Nancy Rydholm, and we have three adult children.
Current Projects: I’m focused on increasing the amount of my professional time spent in the green economy, and finding more ways to help people understand the seriousness of the climate change reality we’re all facing. I also have a non-fiction book on ecosystems in the concept stage, a science fiction novel partly drafted, and a mystery novel (series?) set in Minnesota’s state park(s) refusing to move past chapter four.
More places to find me on the web:
Business: www.michaelkelberer.com
Climate Change:www.gaiawords.com