Gretchen Anderson, Backyard Chicken Advocate
Occupation: Currently, Gretchen is best known as the spokeswoman for Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area, Boise, Idaho. She has worked for the non-profit ski area for 15-plus seasons. The Idaho transplant grew up with a family who works in the ski industry and knows-well the inner workings of a mountain recreation area. To ski and get paid to talk about it is her dream job — other than being a writer. Her other job is writing. She is currently promoting her latest book, The Backyard Chicken Fight, a book that chronicles the fights around the country of people who are taking on their municipalities in an effort to legally keep backyard chickens. The book also has a terrific and efficient guide to hen keeping and some fabulous stories of why people love their chickens!
Place of Residence: Eagle, Idaho (a small bedroom community of Boise).
Background and Personal History: Gretchen grew up in the mountains of Utah skiing with her family. She is an award-winning journalist who worked 18 years in radio and television. Gretchen holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Oregon and did graduate work at Boise State University. Gretchen has worked in television news as an anchor, reporter and producer — most recently at Idaho’s Newschannel 7/KTVB. In 1997 Gretchen started her own business, Communication Outsource and left behind 3:30 a.m. wake-up calls so she could anchor the morning news. She is contracted to do publicity and public relations work for for-profit and non-profit organizations and companies. Gretchen has been published locally, nationally and internationally. She is an award-winning publicist and humor columnist. Gretchen sits on the board of directors for Starlight Mountain Theatre, West Valley Little League and has held several appointed volunteer positions for the State of Idaho.
Current Projects: Through her research for her current book, The Backyard Chicken Fight, Gretchen learned there is a growing number of people who simply want to be more sustainable in their own space. As a result, she is writing a new book focusing on edible gardening called, Secrets of the Lazy Urban Gardener.
Other Fun Facts: Her greatest achievements are her 20-plus-year marriage to her husband who keeps humor in the forefront and her five children who make humor a necessity.
More Places to Find Me on the Web: Join Gretchen on social media at The Backyard Chicken Fight, Secrets of the Lazy Urban Gardener or at