Dan Chiras, Green Homes and Renewable Energy Expert

By Staff
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Daniel D. Chiras is a longtime contributing editor for MOTHER EARTH NEWS and frequent speaker at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIRS. Chiras is an internationally acclaimed expert in green homes and renewable energy, and is one of America’s most prolific and diverse authors. He has written 30 books in the past 30 years (see Amazon.com’s Daniel D. Chiras page), including many popular self-help and how-to books on solar and wind energy, sustainable community development, green home improvement, natural building, green building, parenting, and study skills.

Dan is best known for his books on residential renewable energy and green building, including these popular titles, which are available from MOTHER EARTH NEWS.

The Solar House: Passive Heating and Cooling 

  • Published on Mar 5, 2013
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