Craig Vetter, Inventor and Designer

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Craig Vetter

An inventor and designer. Having been influenced by Buckminster Fuller in the 1960s, whose message was to “Do more with less,” the common thread of Vetter’s work became to “Live better on less energy.”

In an era when motorcycles got 40 mpg and cars got 12 mpg, Vetter invented, designed and manufactured equipment that made riding motorcycles more enjoyable. His timing was good. A whole generation rode with him.

Vetter’s Windjammer became the most popular motorcycle fairing ever made. Today, every motorcycle manufacturer produces a model with the motorcycle touring components Vetter invented. In the 1980s, Vetter hosted the Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Contests in which, over 6 years, winning mileage went from 78 mpg to 470 mpg.

  • Published on Mar 5, 2013
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