Calamity Jane, Backyard Homesteader and Renegade Housewife | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

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Calamity Jane, Backyard Homesteader and Renegade Housewife

Calamity Jane is not your typical housewife. Although she cooks most of her family’s food from scratch, bakes fresh bread once a week, puts every kind of fruit she meets into a canning jar, helps her children with craft projects regularly and even cleans the house once in a while (under duress) her home domain extends far beyond the walls and windows.

Calamity grew up in Alaska, and began her homesteading career more than 20 years ago, way out in the woods. She learned how to catch fish, build a smokehouse and skin a bear. Since then she has filled in the gaps with more typically agricultural skills, and her life looks considerably tamer.

  • Published on Aug 30, 2020
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