Blythe Pelham Biography

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Name: Blythe Pelham

Occupation: Artist, Writer, Energy Worker, Gardener, and all-around creative huming

Place of Residence: Leesburg, Ohio

Background and Personal History: Blythe was born in Seattle, Wash., and raised here, there, and everywhere — one highlight being two years of her teenage life spent living in Belgium. Blythe has been arting and writing for as long as she can remember and expects to continue doing so in many media until her lifing in this realm ceases.

Blythe’s personality and soulful make-up results in a mind that is constantly inventing, shifting, adapting, and creating from the inspiration she finds around her. She simply must create or risks losing her equilibrium. She also craves learning new methods, media, and experiences.

  • Published on Dec 1, 2015
Tagged with: growing vegetables
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