Angela Blackerby, Kansas Gardener(d)
Occupation: Teacher and part-time Gardener
Hobbies: Reading, gardening, cooking, eating and camping.
Place of Residence: Wichita, Kan.
Gardening Philosophy: If you aren’t having fun while you are gardening, what’s the point? I enjoy laughing at my mistakes and gardening failures. I think it makes the small successes sweeter.
Personal History: I was born and raised in Texas, but have also lived in Nebraska, California and Kansas. Now that I am a gardener, I look back and try to imagine what I could have grown in all of those different climates.
Current Projects: I am currently working on documenting my first year of vegetable gardening.
Other Fun Facts: I believe strongly in organic gardening and reducing your impact on the planet through small steps! Every little bit makes a difference.
More Places to Find Me on the Web: My Kansas Gardenerd blog.